
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Our girl is 2!

I can't believe she's 2.

I remember October 7, 2011 like it was yesterday.  I was strolling Whole Foods, chatting with family who had just arrived in Denver, not expecting to meet our little one for a couple more weeks.  Baby's due date was the next day but I was feeling great and hadn't had any signs of an arrival, until that moment.  Oh yeah, right in the cereal aisle, babe sent a teeny tiny message.  I called my doctor and she advised us to pack our bags and come in.  It probably wasn't my water that broke but it was best to be ready just in case.  We went in fully planning on it being a false alarm and would continue on to our dinner reservations shortly after.  Not so much.  We hung around, ate dinner, watched TV, talked about what was about to happen to our lives.  Then there was 6 hours on Petosin and watching the computers show the spikes in my contractions, but never actually feeling them.  Then out of no where, they came and they were gnarly.  Zero to 100.  Can you believe I fought it for two hours before finally giving in to the epidural?!  For two hours there, I thought I was tough enough to get 'er done naturally.  What a joke.   Then all the sudden a blanket of calmness fell over me, all of us.  We slept for a couple hours and that morning our baby girl arrived.  Convinced we were having a boy, our little Winslow surprised us. And she continues to every single moment of every day.

Winslow is the most beautiful, sweet, strong willed, hilarious, sassy, smart, amazing thing we've ever met.  And between the moments of exhaustion and wanting to rip out our hair, there's an incredible overwhelming feeling of love.  Something I could never properly verbalize.  It's there when the bowl of oatmeal is being thrown across the room or when you watch her climb into the fountain in her 3rd outfit of the day.

How you go from this...  Our first moments with Winslow!

To this, in just 24 months...

Watching her grow into the little person she is and learn about the world, is such a blessing.  I don't know where the past 2 years have gone but I've absolutely loved being her momma.  Winslow Mae, mommy and daddy love you SO much.  Happy 2nd Birthday Lovey!!!

Aw, hey there Missi :)

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